
Bereavement, Loneliness and Support

Bereavement, Loneliness and Support

Grief is an ordinary response to loss and is something that most people will experience in their lives. It is a uniquely personal and often complex experience.

It can be very painful and may give rise to thoughts and feelings you don’t anticipate, and we recognise that people need different types of support depending on how they’re coping.

For more information and support, please click on the link below:

St Helena

St Helena support to all those who have been bereaved in North Essex, regardless of the cause of death or where they have died. As grief is a very personal experience they offer a range of support tailored to the individual’s needs.

If you have been bereaved you can contact the bereavement team Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm on 01255 258240 for an informal conversation about the service to see if it is suitable for you. You can also email with the subject ‘Bereavement’. Although operational between Monday and Friday, 9.00am and 5.00pm, appointments can be made to fit in with your timetable if you need more flexibility. You can refer yourself or be referred by family and friends or any health and social care professional.


Age Well East

Leaflet: Bereavement Groups (PDF)